Sunday, February 10, 2013

Take That, Bon Iver!

Hello everyone!

It's that time of the year again - music's biggest night!   Rihanna was surprisingly normal looking, and T-Swizzle's stage was ...interesting, but love her nonetheless!

In case you missed it, here are some of my favorite moments! 

Ed Sheeran and Sir Elton John singing Ed Sheeran's "A-Team".  As always, Elton is such an amazing singer and never fails to impress me!

Fun's performance of Carry On: They are SO HIPSTER.  I can't handle it.  The guy in the front is wearing a  leather shirt, capri pants, and sneakers.  Also, is it just me, or does the guy in the back look like he's wearing blue scrubs?
And then, it started RAINING. Like, really?  Isn't this a electricity hazard? Won't the electric guitars or microphone or speakers short-circuit/electrocute people??   I'm glad they changed out of their outfits to receive their award


Super cool ad for the Surface Pro by Microsoft


Miranda Lambert sang her song "Over You". This song was also sung by  Cassadee Pope, the last winner of The Voice. As much as I love Miranda Lambert, and as upset that Amanda Brown/Trevyn Hunt didn't win the last season, I have to say that I like Cassadee's rendition of this song a lot better

JT took the stage with his new song, "Suit and Tie", and then proceeded to be in almost all the following commercials (one to advertise his new songs @ Target & another one for Bud light Platinum.
I thought JT's stage was really really well designed.  They did some magic with the lighting, to make everyone look jazzy and b&w colored! And there was a surprise appearance by Jay-Z!!! How do all of these awesome people know each other!?!

Adam Levine gave a wonderful performance, singing "Daylight".  He was then joined by Alicia Keys ON THE DRUMS, in this ridiculously sexy/fierce dress.  I would die to have a body/be able to pull off a dress like hers.  Anyways, they then proceeded to sing Alicia Keys's "Girl on Fire".  I love both of these two, and have been fans forever.  I really respect them because they've really stayed true to their genre/who they are over the years, and really are just powerhouse singers, both on their albums, as well as on stage. :)

I took a little dinner break, so I didn't take any pictures of Kelly Clarkson, who performed "You Make me Feel like a Natural Woman", and presented an award to the Black Keys

Then, they did a Bob Marley tribute, by Bruno Mars, Sting, Rihanna, and some other people that I don't know.  PSA: Bob Marley died of a malignant melanoma on his foot! So be sure to check for the ABCDE's on all of your moles so you aren't caught off guard!! 

I ALSO loved this outfit of Carrie Underwood's!! What made it even more awesome is that they lit it up/used it as projector screen during the performance!! Creative and exciting!

Finally to close, Juanes (!! remember him from HIGH SCHOOL??!) and LL Cool J both performed, and Adele presented the Album of the Year Award to Mumford and Sons :)

That concludes my Grammy coverage!  What were your favorite moments, outfits, or performances??

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